Yearning for the Mines

Warner Bros. Pictures released a full trailer for A Minecraft Movie today. I just watched it, and wanted to share a few thoughts. If you haven’t seen the trailer yet, I encourage you to check it out:

Let me be honest. I don’t think this movie will be amazing, but I did see a few things that give me hope that it won’t be terrible. First, this trailer seems to show the movie will be somewhat faithful to the game in terms of how the world will work. The view of the Minecraft world looks like a nice realistic texture pack you could apply to the game. I liked that they had sound effects from the game, and I was happy to hear the classic music play when it shows Steve entering the world. I’m still not sure why we need those additional four people beyond Steve in the movie, but it is what it is. We shall see how that plays out.

I’m sure we will see at least one more full trailer before the movie releases that might hint a little more about the plot of the movie. Minecraft is a survival and crafting game, so maybe they will play off of the survival part. Maybe Steve and crew will end up fighting the Ender Dragon, or maybe there will be another person that is teaming up with all the baddies to try and destroy the world. Who knows. It will be interesting either way.

I do plan to see this when it comes out. I am a fan of Jack Black and Jason Mamoa, so I look forward to seeing their roles in this. I think Jack will probably play a decent Steve since Steve is a character now and not just the player. I am curious about Jason’s character. He does reference being a late 80’s gamer, so I’m sure that will play into something as well. We shall see. Let’s all cross our fingers that this will be something we can enjoy.

Willenator's World @Willenator