New Blog Who Dis
Willenator Followers:
I've decided to move away from Tumblr and onto its own server. I mainly had it on Tumblr because I thought Tumblr would be a fun platform to host my blog on. The platform was simple to use and easy to share stuff on it. I also liked that Tumblr announced they want to make it possible to federate a blog with the Fediverse, and I thought that would give me a place to host a blog and connect with others.
What I didn't understand when I made the move was that I would keep getting bombarded by Tumblr begging me to spend money. I paid to have Tumblr host my domain. I paid for the ad-free experience. I still got bugged about buying something on the TumblrMart like a supporter badge that would evolve over time as I continued to pay for it. I got annoyed by that. Then Tumblr created Tumblr Premium and started pushing that as the new ad-free model instead of what I had. I was informed that when my current year expired, that I would be automatically upgraded to the pricier option. I decided it was time to move away.
So, here I am. My blog is on its own again in its own space. We shall see how it goes. I'm thankful for you sticking around with me. I'll keep posting my usual randomness that you have all come to know and hopefully love.
New Followers:
Let me introduce myself. My name is Willenator. That is the username I have been using since I created a Gmail account many many years ago. It was actually Google's suggestion when I was creating my account to use Willenator because the name I initially selected was not available. I think I was trying to use my first name and something else at the time. I honestly can't remember. What I do remember is laughing at the suggestion and deciding to go with it. I started using Willenator wherever I could and even purchased the domain. has been a place holder for various things over the years. Mainly multiple failed attempts at blogging with the most successful attempt being one where I wrote book reviews. That was fun right up until it wasn't, so I kept trying different things. At one point in time it pointed to my Twitter account and then pointed at a Blogger account. I moved it to Tumblr after that and had it there for awhile and now I have it back to being a Wordpress blog on a hosting platform.
I don't have a specific topic for my blog. I kind of post random things along with my thoughts on whatever comes to mind and whatever I feel like sharing. Feel free to stick around and see what I come up with. My main interests include amusement parks, roller coasters, books, technology, and the wide world of the Internet. I think a lot of my posts will fall somewhere in there.